Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Summary of Article 2

In Bandung, flood with garbage happen. The place where garbage is put is full and the people is dissapointed with this. TPS in Setiabudi Road and Pasar Sederhana is full since two weeks ago and TPS in Pasar Sederhana have been full for one and a half months. Lis(28), the small restaurant or warung, who's restaurant is right infront of the TPS said no one want to eat in my restaurant because the TPS is very smelly and make my restaurant smelly. Another TPS in Tamansari is also full, the garbage that have been for a month is full and the garbage is still 60m cube left. All of this is because the TPS in Sarimukti, because the TPS place is broken so it needs repairment and the garbage is put to the other TPS. The Head of cleaness in Bandung said that in one day the garbage truck normally can carry upto 2500-3000 metre cube but now only 2000 metre cube. The government of west Java said that we will fix all of the TPS as son as possible and will ask the three head in the place at the TPS to still need, if not just destroy the TPS.

Bibliography: 07/05/07, Bandung kembali Banjir Sampah, Kompas, 07/05/07, Page 23.

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