Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Teacher's Question(Answer)

Human activity change our environment in very many ways. The first one is the people that cut trees illegally They earn money but they make the environment into very bad. The destroy trees that make the carbin dioxide become worst and the oxygen that the trees is producing is fewer now. The forest in Indonesia is one of the two forest that is important in the world. The world depend on Brazil's forest and Indonesia's forest because we have a huge of forest that can reduce the carbon dioxide level. So this is one of the human's activity that make our natural environment change. The second one is the factories. The factories in the world is one of the largest thing that produce carbon dioxide. The smoke that contain alot of carbon dioxide makes the global warming becomes worst. When global warming becomes worst the Earth becomes more hot and could make drought, famine, and other dry disaster happens. The gas emission from the factory really make the global warming becomes worse. The human also breath less oxygen and they breathe carbon dioxide more. And last one is humans transportation. The gas emission from the vehicle, locomotive train, motor bikes and other transportation that produce gas emssion is also making the global warming worse. Human's can't work without transportation in the world but some people just wa'na walk to places that they can reach it without transportation. Or use monorail that is proscescing in Jakarta. I think the monorails doesn't produce gas emission too much. And there are also sprays that can harm the ozone layers. We could take responsible fo our natural environment by taking care of the ozone layer.The changing environment affect human activity because disaster happens. Like for example global warming make the world hotter, so famine and drought is easy to happen because the Earth is very hot. Other than that disaster also happens, The global warming is connected to alsmost all of the disasters. The flood, flood is because the humans cutting trees down and because the forest have change from having tree become do not have trees. When a heavyrain comes, the trees can't absorb some of the water because they are gone and so the water keeps sliding to the city and cause flood and landslide because there are no trees the rot can't tied up the soil so the soil slides and cause landslide. So the changing environment really affect human's activity. Do not use perfume or sprays that is not free from harming the ozone layer, use your transportation less and you could join and participate on the program that the government launched. For example like "Tanam Air untuk 3007" and "Tanam Seribu Pohon" we could participate on this program by just planting trees and in the next 15-20 years there will be a new tree that can make the environment clean and make the carbon dioxide less. Now the condition of the planet Earth is very critical. The world is very polluted. The air is full of carbon dioxide, the rivers are fulled with garbage and the global warming makes the Earth always in disaster. But if the orld really have a plan to make all of this things to be gone we can do it and we can use country that is technologically advanced to make a machine that could help this kind of things. Like I heard that Japan had launched a machine that can take carbon dioxide in air. So yeah the world is in danger but we can make it to be not de=angerous anymore.

Bibliography:www.activeset.org/photos/joge/air_pollution_pl_600.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.activeset.org/photos/collection/one.htm&h=516&w=583&sz=22&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=mTsLQu_7XtogWM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAir%2BPollution%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG,accesed date:08/05/07

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